How to deal with the guilt of not working 24/7

Present Kevin

What’s going on today?

I am getting a bunch of meetings. I had a sales call canceled today, and I was looking forward to canceling or actually moving over to the next day. Something for me is that my energy feels very drained after these last two days of intense sprinting, and I know I need a rest.

The problem for me is that I feel the need to keep on working, keep on hiring, but it’s a never-ending circle.

Future Kevin, how do I go about dealing with the guilt of having to work all the time?

Thank you!

Future Kevin

Hey, Kevin, what is going on?

I can understand how you feel about the guilt of the work.

A lot of it is coming from the meaning you’re putting behind your work. For example, so what if you did not do a video or a sales page? What does that mean about yourself? And more importantly, what’s the meaning you’re putting behind that experience?

The truth is, Kevin, over the last few months, you’ve been a lot more strategic. You’ve noticed a lot of things. You’ve grown immensely, and you should be so proud of yourself.

Being a projector from your human design, you’re not meant to go 24/7, and you are not trying to create your old pharmacy life. You’re doing exactly what you need to be doing, focusing on the important things, your top three things.

And also, I just want to say, I am so proud of you for everything that you’ve gotten done. You’ve gotten done more in the last week than you have in a few months at times.

Just remember, don’t discount the amount of work you’ve done on yourself, and don’t discount the number of successes that you have. Also, Kevin, just be very aware of your relationship with work.

Oftentimes in the past, you used it to numb yourself emotionally, to run away from pain like heartbreak, and it’s coming to a point where it’s manifesting into your dreams, like getting back with Nelyn and missing that relationship.

You work so hard, Kevin, and at times, if I was there, I would tell you to really enjoy life.

At times, we only get this life, and then at the end of the day, work is all meaningless anyways. It disappears with us. Maybe some of our work survives, but 99% of the work that we do is meaningless.

I don’t say this to discourage you, but I just say this to give you a broader perspective of life.


Future Kevin

Feeling stretched thin

Present Kevin

Today, I feel a bit sad.

Part of me feels a bit lonely and just a little bit burnt out. Over the last few weeks, I’ve been debating my mastermind, I’ve been hiring a YouTube team and also serving Ali Abdaal, but it has me feeling very, very thin and just going through the ups and downs, it’s exhausting. Half the time, I just want to sleep and what I’m asking Kevin is, how should I handle this?

Future Kevin

Hey Kevin, hey younger Kevin, I can understand how you feel, you feel a bit exhausted, you feel all these feelings right now. My best advice to you would be to recognize it like what you’re doing right now and take a break. Do something. Pushing harder is not going to help this situation.

In fact, you probably need to decompress and sit down with a notebook and have some thinking time about what caused this, what you learned, and how to potentially avoid this or mitigate this in the future. At the end of the day though, it’s like Jiu Jitsu, it’s a combat sport, business is a combat sport sometimes and you’re going to feel run down and it’s okay to feel this way. The point is, you don’t ever want to get to a point where you’re so run down that you don’t want to play the game anymore. As soon as you stop playing and showing up, that’s when you lose.

In addition, I know how lonely it can feel, it’s very lonely building a foundation for your future wife and family and kids, but you’re doing all the right things. Change is uncomfortable. You have to kill your old self and show up in different ways that you’re not meant to be and this takes a lot of cognitive effort. Something I’m so proud of you, Kevin, is for really expanding what you’re comfortable with.

Last year, you weren’t ready to start a mastermind or even higher, but look at you now, you’ve done both and you landed your dream client. You’re doing a lot, so be easier on yourself, take care of yourself, invest your money into rejuvenating your energy, maybe something like a Thai massage or spa, and you’ll be good Kevin, don’t worry. You made it through pharmacy school and you can make it through this. Something you know deep down inside and something that I know as future Kevin is that you’re way more capable than you think you are.

Don’t doubt yourself, keep going Kevin.


Future Kevin